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Date: Wed, 17 Feb 93 17:07:39 PST
From: The Moderators <info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu>
Reply-To: Info-Mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V11 #38
To: info-mac-list@SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU
Info-Mac Digest Wed, 17 Feb 93 Volume 11 : Issue 38
Today's Topics:
[*] "Kiwi Script" for System 7.1
[*] Alpha 5.31
[*] AT&Tccl.sit.hqx
[*] Cursor Utilities for HyperCard
[*] dateline32.hqx
[*] Easy Convert 3.0
[*] Edit II 2.1.2
[*] Edit II MW Doc
[*] fantastic.cpt.hqx (an empire master rule set)
[*] info-mac submission
[*] Jewish Calendar
[*] lemming startupscreen
[*] Mac-IBM PC Comparison report
[*] pb-esc-swapped-keyboard.hqx
[*] Please post: Update to HemiRoids
[*] Re: [*] HyperCard Esperanto Course
[*] Reset DTDBs 2.0 [part 1 of 1]
[*] rnMac 0.3b
[*] TechGrapha Font 1.0
[*] tele-finder-30.hqx
[*] xLibrary Demo
(Q) 16" Monitor resolutions.
(Q) Partitioned HD: 1st partition damaged after crash
2 simple Finder questions
3-D design & rendering software?
6.0.8L on current Apple Canada price list
7.0 Installer/locked resource
Add-on rhyming Dictionary
Apple Hdwr Sys Update for s7.1 (Q)
ARA program and long phone number strings
best book(s) for Hypercard/Hypertalk programmer (Q)
Borland in Canada
Bug in finder (not)
Bug in finder (small) (C)
Cabling for 8*24GC+Sampo 20"
Centris 610 & 68040 FPU - Forget it!
Centris 610 and FPU Upgrade
Color printer sharing
Comments needed for LC III (Q)
DeskWriter Problems (RE)
Document formatting query
DW Drivers and Memory
Enablers new releases
Ethernet Phase 1 vs Phase 2
External Case for a Quantum Q250 Drive
FIleMaker Pro (Q)
Flags - in CorelDRAW's clip art (A)
Fraktur [A]
Giving a document its icon (Q)
Gophering via UNIX 2 Mac (Q)
HD *inside* a Plus?
HP-Deskjet 500 driver for Mac? [Q]
Info-Mac Digest V11 #36
MacDraw II wont write
MAC Printing
MacWorld Awards Survey & FullWrite
memory problem
Modems [C]
NCSA/BYU TelNet2.5 users - info needed
ncsa telnet 2.5 documentation (Q)
NewLook 1.3
PowerBook Express Modem out yet?
Problems Producing RFCs
Problem with MS Word Documents
ResEdit 2.1.1 bug?
Restoring a default configuration
scrapbook / notepad combo wanted
SCSI T-style cable source (Q)
Simple 68K assembler?
SuperClock (Q)
VXs from hell
WANTED: Wind sound
Where is "PowerLess"?
World Scripts (Q)
xbase or filemaker pro recipe/cooking templates???
The Info-Mac newsgroup is moderated by Bill Lipa.
The Info-Mac archives are available (by using FTP, account anonymous,
any password) in the info-mac directory on sumex-aim.stanford.edu
[]. Help files and indices are in /info-mac/help.
Please send articles and binaries to info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu.
Send administrative mail to info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu.
Date: Mon, 15 Feb 93 11:03:26 NZD
From: N.Perry@massey.ac.nz
Subject: [*] "Kiwi Script" for System 7.1
:-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)
In an amazing and unbelivable international slur Apple Computer Inc.
have chosen to ignore the existance of New Zealand, there is no
country/region code for this major independant state! Even places like
Wales get a region code! (Nothing against the Welsh. I speak
Cymraig...) Apple further insult the Kiwi's by selling them computers
localised for Australia!!!
:-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)
Ok, for all loyal Kiwi's out there (or Brit's like me who happen to
live in this great country) here is a System 7.1 script for New
Zealand. No longer need you be lumbered with the date/time etc. in
Ozzie format (tends towards the US way) but you can select "Kiwi" for
the international control panels and get them in Kiwi format (tends
more to the UK way). You even get a nice keyboard icon (my attempt at
a Kiwi in 16x16 pixels...).
This script has only been tested on System 7.1 on a Mac IIsi. To use
just drag into your System folder. As this modifies your System take a
backup, no warranty at all is given that it will or won't do anything.
[Archived as /info-mac/misc/new-zealand-sys-script.hqx; 4K]
Date: Sun, 14 Feb 93 21:55:20 CST
From: pete@cs.rice.edu (Pete)
Subject: [*] Alpha 5.31
Alpha is a flexible, programmable text editor that is based on the Tool
Command Language (TCL) extension language.
Version 5.31 is a maintenance release.
Version 5.3 of the Alpha text editor contains the following new features:
- New 'electricAlias' template package.
- Greatly expanded LaTeX mode.
- Iconifiable windows.
- Better XTCL support, Think C examples.
- Support for 411 and compiling w/ MPW.
- Support for stationary files.
- The usual one or two bug fixes.
Old features:
- complete programming language (Tcl)
- first-class functions
- conditionals, iterations
- lists
- function tracing
- external code module support
- over 2000 lines of sample Tcl source
- user-definable hiearchical menus
- 'dosc' apple event support.
- MPW "shell" via the ToolServer
- mapping of any function (over 150 available)
or macro to any key combination
- rudimentary command-line "shell", including "ls", "cd", "mv",
"rm", as well as interface which allows other commands to be
added by the user.
- can be customized extensively (can be configured
as a coke-bottle emacs)
- multi-file searching
- unlimited undo/redo
- full regular expression (GREP) searching and replacing
(including alternation)
- extensive online help
- rectangular editing
- 7.0 friendly, supports AppleEvents
- temporary memory support
- anonymous keyboard macros
- configurable popup function and LaTeX section menus
- electric braces and semicolons
- window tiling
- unlimited named markers and buffers
- mark stack
- 'C' programming templates
- word wrap to window or 'fillColumn'
- continuous row/col display
- saving of backups to a different directory
- user-definable "modes", providing special functionality
or configurations based on file suffixes.
- any font/size
- support for international keyboards
- reads and writes Unix and IBM file formats
- saves window positions, selection
- and Many, Many, More...
ALPHA is shareware and has a fee of $25. (Still!)
Pete Keleher pete@rice.edu
Peter Keleher
P.O. Box #1892
Department of Computer Science
Rice University
Houston, Texas 77251-1892
Alpha requires at least system 7.0 in order to run.
[Archived as /info-mac/app/alpha-531.hqx; 541K]
Date: 16 Feb 1993 21:08:14 -0700
From: "Peter Thornewell" <Peter_Thornewell@p3.lanl.gov>
Subject: [*] AT&Tccl.sit.hqx
This is a CCL for the AT&T Paradyne Comsphere 3810 modem. Actually it's a
hack from the Hayes Smartmodem 2400 but changed to allow access at upto
14.4kbaud. I had to write this quickly as we needed it for our Shiva LAN
Rover-E so I haven't used any of the modem's advanced features (but apparently
ARA does it's own data compression etc, so these may not be required). This
has not been written by AT&T and hence it is not approved by them (but it
Pete Thornewell
[Archived as /info-mac/comm/ara-att-paradyne-comsphere-3810.hqx; 4K]
Date: Mon, 15 Feb 93 08:48:13 NZD
From: N.Perry@massey.ac.nz
Subject: [*] Cursor Utilities for HyperCard
This package contains two HyperCard externals, setCursor (first
version seen in XCMD Miscellany back in 89) and idleCursor (also in
the Pictoid Package). With them you can; set the cursor location
under program control, constrain the cursor to only follow horizonatAl
or vertical mouse movements, decouple the cursor and the mouse
completely, and set HyperCard's idle cursor (stops HyperCard switching
back to the hand when you don't want it to, can also be used to hide
the cursor completely).
Warning: Use of setCursor violates the Apple User Interface
Guidelines! Beware the Apple Thought Police!
Stack is free to most people, license details in stack.
[Archived as /info-mac/card/x/cursor-utils.hqx; 14K]
Date: Tue, 16 Feb 1993 06:20:18 EST
From: "Paul D. Bain" <pdbain@ufcc.ufl.edu>
Subject: [*] dateline32.hqx
This is Dateline 32, the monthly newsletter of Star Trek
happenings from the Star Trek forum on America Online.
This file is compressed and binhexed teachtext document.
This issue contains:
Editorial: Details, Details
Ensign Ro and Major Kira
A DS9 Review
Happy Birthday!
Trek-related Products/Happenings
Personal Logs, Stardate Today
DATELINE ENDS HERE. The following article is included as a bonus
to internet downloaders.
DS9 Editorial Spoiler: "Where's Spock?"
[Archived as /info-mac/digest/dateline-32.hqx; 21K]
Date: Mon, 15 Feb 93 10:33:13 +0200
From: eyler%trbilun.bitnet@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU (Akif Eyler)
Subject: [*] Easy Convert 3.0
Easy Convert is a small application for character conversion in texts.
Since it does the conversion on the target itself, it works very fast.
(About 50K per second on a IIsi)
There are three basic modes of use:
1) Convert a plain text file
2) Convert the text in the clipboard
3) Make and edit filters to be used in conversion
(Also useful in Easy View and related applications)
Various tasks that are simplified by Easy Convert:
* Conversion to uppercase or lowercase
* Simple encryption for protecting documents
* Elimination of diacritical marks such as accents
* Conversion of 8-bit text into 7-bit text for e-mail
* Conversion of files from unix or MS-DOS
Although there are similar programs with better user interface, this
program may be unique in its ability to convert the clipboard. The high
speed and the wide range of compatibility may also be the reasons for
[Archived as /info-mac/util/easy-convert-30.hqx; 24K]
Date: Mon, 15 Feb 1993 00:08:54 -0600
From: kseah@procyon.austin.tx.us
Subject: [*] Edit II 2.1.2
Hi guys... this here's Edit II 2.1.2 (a maintenance release) for all you
networked people. Thanks to the problem reporters and beta testers -- you
know who you are!! -- Ken
Edit II is intended as a replacement for the Consulair Edit text editor but
which alllows the use of the cursor keys on the Mac keyboard for
navigation. If the extended keyboard is used, then the num lock LED will
indicate whether the cursor pad or the numeric pad mode is on. The home,
end, page up, page down keys will also work, as will the delete right key.
One level of undo is supported. You can launch Edit II by double clicking
old Edit files (since Edit II uses the same creator signature as Edit, that
is, EDIT). Stationery documents are supported under System 7.
Thanks for all the support from registered users. Your feedback has been
incorporated into this version.
2.1.2 (02/14/93) Maintenance Release
* No changes in documentation from 2.1.1 (except for the registration page)
** Bugs fixed **
* Files now properly closed when windows are dismissed (should eliminate
'file busy, can't empty trash' problems).
* Files on remote networks aren't doubled when saved. [SetEOF doesn't
reset the file pointer in remote files]
[Archived as /info-mac/app/edit-ii-212.hqx; 88K]
Date: Mon, 15 Feb 1993 00:09:47 -0600
From: kseah@procyon.austin.tx.us
Subject: [*] Edit II MW Doc
Documentation for Edit II 2.1.2 in MacWrite format.
[Archived as /info-mac/app/edit-ii-212-docs-mw.hqx; 37K]
Date: 14 Feb 1993 17:26:37 -0700 (MST)
From: Scott Patlin <PATLIN_S@gold.colorado.edu>
Subject: [*] fantastic.cpt.hqx (an empire master rule set)
View this file in New York 10 for best results.
These rule sets are suitable for use with the Empire Master game, for all
those who
have sent in their shareware fees. I am not the author of that game, but I
produced the color icons and modified the rules for this variant. Two rule
sets are
provided. They share the following pieces:
Your basic sword toting Joe.
Joe gets on a horse.
Carry arrows, but are weaker in hand to hand.
Carry land units, but sink easilly.
Fired in volleys by archers.
Black Arrows:
Enchanted arrows of extremely lethal nature.
Air Power! The winged lions of mythology.
Invisible Stalkers:
Sneaky, flying masters of ambush.
These little guys jog at mach 1.
Regenerate while wandering about mashing heads.
Sea Monsters:
Terrors of the watery depths.
The ultimate, most terrible foes.
M&M 1 also has:
Leave these outside your cities to prevent attack.
Elite warriors.
Blue Bolts:
RUltra-PhazorsS, shere magical force with a destructive bent.
Sucks everything in a large area into another plane!
M&M 2 has:
Missile Ships:
A bunch of archers on a barge.
Big Dudes Who Smash Things And Enjoy Doing It.
Rather large rocks occasionally thrown by giants.
You will need to take into account magical and material supplies. The former
global, while the later is on a city by city basis. Personally, I prefer the
second variant.
Send advise and suggestions to: Patlin_S@cubldr.colorado.edu
Scott Patlin
1035 Adams Circle #210
Boulder, CO 80303
These rule sets may be freely distributed, though you will need the real copy
Empire Master to play them, so send Chris his shareware fee!
Have fun, and drop me a note if you like this rule set or have a suggestion
modifying it.
[Archived as /info-mac/game/empire-master-rule-set.hqx; 32K]
Date: Tue, 16 Feb 93 13:22:02 -0700
From: Jim Moy <jbm@gr.hp.com>
Subject: [*] info-mac submission
Hello Sumex Folks -
This is a submission for the info-mac archives.
The file is called deskscan2-patch.sea and is a compactor self-extracting
archive. It includes a ReadMe file and a ResCompare patch program. This
patch program modifies the software provided with Hewlett-Packard scanners
so you can play tetris in the preview window of the scanning utility.
When prompted by the patch program, you select the DeskScan II TWAIN data
source, which is in the TWAIN folder, in the Preferences folder (under
System 7) or in the System Folder (under System 6). After that completes
successfully, you invoke the game by running DeskScan II and pressing
Cmd-Opt-Shift-Click in the preview area of DeskScan II.
This program is not released or sanctioned by Hewlett-Packard. If you
have problems with DeskScan II after performing the patch, please
re-install a fresh copy from the original disks (or restore from backup)
before blaming DeskScan II.
Jim Moy
[Archived as /info-mac/game/deskscan2-patch.hqx; 41K]
Date: 14 Feb 1993 22:48:28 +0100
From: LEVI@vax58b.desy.de
Subject: [*] Jewish Calendar
Here is a nice Jewish Calendar program for the Mac that I have found
in the alt.Jewish.Culture news list.
I'm not the author. The original notes from the athor are included.
I have found this program quite usefull and I think that should be ok
for sumex.
Giuseppe Levi (levi@vaxbo.bo.infn.it) (levi@vxdesy.desy.de)
Below in the BinHexed version of the Jewish Calendar program I wrote for
the Mac.
It's free. If anybody wants the sources, I'll be happy to give them away,
1) The window it brings us may be too wide for the smaller Mac screens.
I'll still working on making the screen smaller while still maintaining all
the information.
2) This is the first Mac program I ever wrote. I'm sure that there are
some style points that I've missed.
If anyone knows of any features or additional holidays I should add, please
let me know. Future versions may include the parsha of the week, if I can
figure a not-to-difficult way of adding them.
Comments and/or suggestions are always appreciated.
-- Frank Yellin
[Archived as /info-mac/app/jewish-calendar.hqx; 23K]
Date: Tue, 16 Feb 93 12:38:05 EST
From: Dr. G. Paul Savage <paul.savage@carbon.chem.csiro.au>
Subject: [*] lemming startupscreen
For you lovers of Lemmings here is one of the little critters taking a dive.
640x480 colour startupscreen, compacted.
If you have trouble getting this startupscreen to work please read the report
/info-mac/report/startup-deskpict-faq.txt before emailing me. On the other
hand, feel free to email me if you like this screen.
[Archived as /info-mac/art/lemmings-dive-startup.hqx; 166K]
Date: 15 Feb 93 08:22:47 EST
From: bruce grubb <72130.3557@CompuServe.COM>
Subject: [*] Mac-IBM PC Comparison report
This is Version 1.3.1 of this report and should replace the previous version
of mac-ibm-compare.txt. It contains some important changes, additions and
clarifications including the resently released Macs. The report still isn't
complete, and I am therefore very much on the lookout for contributions from
Digest and other readers to flesh it out. Send comments and information to
CompuServe: 72130,3557; AOL: bruceg6069; or Internet: bgrubb@dante.nmsu.edu.
This report covers not only present hardware and software statistics and
features but also future possibilities. Despite its incomplete form it still
provides some thought-provoking reading on the relative merits, problems, and
deficiencies of Macs and IBM PCs. Here is part of the preamble for your
"The reason for this general data sheet is that people in both camps are not
clear or accurate about what they are saying about their machines and what
little accurate info is out there is unconsolidated. This sheet will try to
consolidate and condence the information out there. Since computer technology
is always changing there are always going to be points in which the sheet will
be lacking or incorrect on information. So, please just don't say the sheet
is incomplete or incorrect but also give me clear and concise information to
make it correct.
To keep this data sheet organized please provide, if possible, article
citations for the information provided or corrected and keep the opinions to a
minimum. As this is a general data sheet, keep the info provided simple so I
can understand what is being talked about and can explain it to others. Also
keep the information relevant to the section corrected. Thank you."
[Archived as /info-mac/report/mac-ibm-compare-131.txt; 36K]
Date: 15 Feb 1993 12:21:20 -0600 (CST)
Subject: [*] pb-esc-swapped-keyboard.hqx
This is a stuffit/binhex file containing a keyboard
layout called PB ESC Swapped and a readme for it.
Drop it in your system7 folder, and you now have a layout
that swaps the ESC and TILDE keys. I use it for my
Powerbook, where the ESC key does NOT belong next to the
spacebar. It belongs where the Tilde is. But, using this
allows me to switch on the fly, so I can hook up other
keyboards to my Powerbook.
[Archived as /info-mac/misc/pb-esc-swapped-keyboard.hqx; 6K]
Date: Tue, 16 Feb 93 21:14:16 PST
From: ansorge@kaleida.com (Sean Ansorge)
Subject: [*] Please post: Update to HemiRoids
Hi. I've recieved some bug reports (crashes when running in 24-bit
addressing), so I've prepared an update, which also contains speed
enhancements for low-end machines. I'd appreciate it if you could post this
new version to Info-Mac/Games.
Sean Ansorge (415) 966-0865
Kaleida Labs, Inc. ansorge@kaleida.com
[Archived as /info-mac/game/hemi-roids.hqx; 333K]
Date: Mon, 15 Feb 1993 14:07:26 PST
From: Michael P Urban <urban@cobra.jpl.nasa.gov>
Subject: [*] Re: [*] HyperCard Esperanto Course
Your message dated: Fri, 12 Feb 1993 16:07:49 PST
> No, I don't want a compressed and uuencoded file -- that won't help. Please
> just resend the binhex.
Hokay, we try again...
[Archived as /info-mac/card/esperonto-course.hqx; 577K]
Date: Sun, 14 Feb 93 16:19:03 -0500
From: brg@dgate.org (Brian Gaeke)
Subject: [*] Reset DTDBs 2.0 [part 1 of 1]
Reset DTDBs 2.0
This is an update to Reset DTDBs, the Better Desktop Rebuilder. This one
has more lighthearted dialogs and doesn't need you to hold Option &
Command while restarting. Also includes source code. -- Brian
Replaces /info-mac/source/c/reset-dtdb.hqx
and /info-mac/util/reset-dtdb.hqx
Should be /info-mac/util/reset-dtdb-20.hqx
This program will reset the Desktop Databases (DTDBs) on each mounted
volume. It is somewhat like the Desktop Reset(tm) extension except that
it is an application. I wrote this program only because Desktop Reset
continually gave me address errors, even when I wasn't running any
other extensions, and also because I wanted to see how hard it would
be (it wasn't.) Reset DTDBs was written in Think C(tm) 5.0.4.
This program may be redistributed infinitely. It is, however,
freeware--you can modify it, and redistribute it (please!) but don't
give away modified copies.
Reset DTDBs is copyright (c) 1992-1993 Brian Gaeke. All rights reserved
worldwide except where specifically permitted.
Brian Gaeke
Internet: brg@dgate.org
GEnie: BRG
[Archived as /info-mac/util/reset-dtdb-20.hqx; 23K]
Date: Sun, 14 Feb 1993 22:42:54 -0500
From: Roy Wood <rrwood@CANREM.COM>
Subject: [*] rnMac 0.3b
Dear Moderators:
Here's the 0.3b version of rnMac, a Macintosh newsreader designed for use
with UUPC and ToadNews. This version replaces the original release,
which was very buggy.
The documentation is still negligible, but the docs for UUPC tell you
everything you need to know anyway.
Please make this available on sumex, in the /comm directory, I suppose.
And please get rid of that buggy old version I submitted last fall.
-Roy Wood
[Archived as /info-mac/comm/rn-mac-03b.hqx; 95K]
Date: Tue, 16 Feb 93 19:25:25 EST
From: rob@Goldilocks.LCS.MIT.EDU
Subject: [*] TechGrapha Font 1.0
TechGrapha is a font containing symbols useful for plotting data in
programs like DeltaGraph. All of the basic symbols are constructed to
cover equal area. The center of each character is the alignment point
for that symbol.
This package includes bitmap, type 1, and truetype files as well as the
fontographer source. The bitmaps are not cleaned-up, so you might
want to print a sample sheet to help you in selecting symbols.
TechGrapha is free. If you like it please send a picture postcard to the
author at the address listed below. You may distribute TechGrapha
provided you don't make money doing so and include all of its files.
Happy graphing...
Rob Kassel
MIT Spoken Language Systems Group
545 Technology Square Room 606
Cambridge, Mass. 02139
[Archived as /info-mac/font/tt/tech-grapha-10.hqx; 136K]
Date: Mon, 15 Feb 93 19:06:44 CST
From: ehfm@midway.uchicago.edu (Eric Hoffmann)
Subject: [*] tele-finder-30.hqx
Here is the latest version of the TeleFinder bulletin board GUI client
software for Macintosh users. TeleFinder v3.0 runs on all Macs from the
Plus through the Quadras and is 32-bit clean, system 7 "Savvy," and
includes full balloon help for the user.
TeleFinder's full implementation of AppleEvents supports advanced
functionality such as automatic online registration, full remote
administration, and control of the BBS's server programs.
There are over 2,000 TeleFinder bulletin boards around the world in Sweden,
Italy, Japan, France, the Netherlands, Germany, the Virgin Islands, Canada,
Australia, and wherever else you happen to be. Included with this archive
is a listing of TeleFinder bulletin boards that was compiled and checked
for accuracy during January and early February of this year. Also included
is a basic MS Word manual to get you up and running as quickly as possible.
The default phone number which has been entered is for the U. of Chicago's
bulletin board. You will probably want to use the enclosed listing to
change the number (stored in the modem setup files) to a board that is
closer to where you live.
[Archived as /info-mac/comm/tele-finder-30.hqx; 478K]
Date: Mon, 15 Feb 1993 16:08:19 +1000
From: frank@postoffice.utas.edu.au
Subject: [*] xLibrary Demo
Please find xLibrary demo ready for submmision to your archive
[Archived as /info-mac/demo/xlibrary.hqx; 129K]
Date: Wed, 17 Feb 93 15:11:18 -0500
From: roger@resunix.ri.sickkids.on.ca (Roger Smith)
Subject: (Q) 16" Monitor resolutions.
Could some one clarify whether the built in video on any of the Quadras
(or the new macs for that matter) is capable of displaying 1024x768 and
1132x872 (8 or 16 bit colour) on 16" monitors? I have not been able to
get a definitive answer on this for quite sometime now! I recall a rumbling
that NEC provided a driver for their 5FG that allowed it to sync to these
resolutions using the Quadras on board video, but that it worked **ONLY**
with the 5FG. For my purposes 1024x768 on a 21" monitor is an expensive
overkill. Suggestions from *Qualified Apple dealers* (whatever that means)
is that I need the most expensive video card money can buy ;-). Any insight
would be greatly appreciated!
Roger C. Smith
Date: 16 Feb 1993 16:36:33 +0200
From: mongera%ITNCISCA.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU
Subject: (Q) Partitioned HD: 1st partition damaged after crash
Two months ago, I changed the (dead) internal HD of my IIci with a new HP,
model C2233-300, 223 MB Fixed Hard Disk Drive.
Then I've created 5 partitions with the FWB utility HDT Primer (Personal
Edition, v1.2.1) :
Sys0 : System 7.0.1
Sys1 : backup (copy) of Sys0
Sys2: System 6.08 and disk utility (es: Norton, HDT ...)
App: applications (ex: Word, Excel ...)
Doc: for my documents
After a system crash, the first partition seems to be damaged, and the Mac
reboot from the second partition, Sys1.
HDT Primer sees the Sys0 partition but can't mount it without a complete
erasing/remounting cycle of Sys0; no explanation is given about the
mounting problems.
The Norton Disk Doctor sees the volume Sys0, and (after running) says :
"System Area Status: The Boot Blocks check out OK and indicate that this is
a bootable disk. - The Volume Information Block is OK. -The Directory
Structure is OK. Summary: The drive appears to be in working order."
After this check, the Sys0 partition reappears on the desktop and I can set
it as the startup partition again.
I've not sufficient knowledge/skill to manage the problem so my only
workaround is to run the Norton Utilities after each crash.
Any suggestion is welcomed !
Ciao, Andrea
<MONGERA@ITNCISCA.bitnet> <mongera@itnvax.cineca.it>
Date: Wed, 17 Feb 93 16:19:18 MDT
From: Roger Marks <marks@bldr.nist.gov>
Subject: 2 simple Finder questions
1) Some applications automatically hide their windows when they aren't
Is there a generic way to ResEdit a program so as to force this behavior?
Simpler solutions are also acceptable, but I'm not wild about always choosing
"Hide ..." from the application menu.
2) Is there a fix that would make the application menu list applications in
order in which they were loaded into memory rather than using the silly
alphabetical scheme that Apple chose? Or is there another way to check the
order? When you want to free up memory, you have to know what sits on top of
the stack.
Marks@bldr.nist.gov NIST/Boulder,CO
Date: Wed, 17 Feb 93 05:34:44 GMT
From: zavala@sjsca1.SINet.SLB.COM
Subject: 3-D design & rendering software?
To: "info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu"@M_INTERNET@MRGATE@SNDRTR@SNDRTR
Hello Internetters!
I am looking for a package to help design and visualize objects in
I have a Mac IIci and no deep pockets. The package I select will need to be
capable of boolean geometry, as we are working with unusual surfaces. I would
prefer a low-res graphic design interface and rendering ability nice enough
for catalog pages. Any features beyond this would be graciously accepted.
I have received a low-cost offer for Ray Dream Designer. Has anyone
tried this product, or any of the others, such as Sketch, Infini-D,
or the host of others on the market? Please send your views and experiences to
me, and I will post. Thanks! Steve :-)
Date: Wed, 17 Feb 1993 08:47:28 GMT
From: Stewart Walker <swalker@mta.ca>
Subject: 6.0.8L on current Apple Canada price list
Excerpt from the list:
B9100 System 6.0.8L Group Upgrade 39
For use with Classic, Classic II, LC, LCII and PowerBook 100 only.
That doesn't answer how to get it outside of Canada.
I don't have this version, but Apple Canada is at (416) 477-5800
for what it is worth.
Date: 16 Feb 93 14:49:35 U
From: Evans-CIC-IS <evans-cic-is%micmac@redstone-emh2.army.mil>
Subject: 7.0 Installer/locked resource
Posting for a friend/co-worker:
I am stupped again. I know I can turn to you all for this little bit of
A co-worker was trying to re-install system 7.0 onto his FX when he got the
error message "Cannot update system file due to a locked resource ". He
rebooted and tried once more. No luck. My co-worker went through the
of elimination", to try and get this sys7 re-loaded. He tried; turning off
extensions (shift key down on boot), removing numerous inits, Turning off File
Sharing from the CP, removing his passowrd from Fsharing, Turning off Program
linking, removed all virus checkers, tried the 7.0.1 installation diskettes,
ran norton, and even turned off appletalk in chooser. All this while booting
>From the sys7 install diskette with a reboot after each change. He asked me
and I mentioned building a new system, intead of updating the existing one
(remove finder from the system folder, [that un-blesses the sys folder],
renaming the sys folder, rebooting and install. He knew that would work, but
would have to re-install numerous applications that write resources to the
system( like shiva config, arap,...etc)
He says he called a local dealer Tech and even called Apple support, No luck.
So we know the work around (starting from scratch), but why would this system
not let go of this unspecified resource?
Troy D. Evans MacNetMgr evans-cic-is@redstone-emh2.army.mil
Micom Macintosh/PC/UNIX Users Assistance Group Redstone Arsenal AL
Date: 17 Feb 1993 10:53:15 -0500 (EST)
From: TCURTISS@umiami.IR.Miami.EDU
Subject: Add-on rhyming Dictionary
I'm looking for a rhyming dictionary that can add on to a word processor,
preferably Microsoft Word.
If you know of any such program (or one that is stand alone), please let me
Todd Curtiss
Date: Tue, 16 Feb 93 14:23:35 EST
From: "Mel Martinez" <mem@jhufos.pha.jhu.edu>
Subject: Apple Hdwr Sys Update for s7.1 (Q)
Having read about the Hardware System Update for system 7.1 that Apple is
releasing, the next question is obvious:
When/Will it be available on ftp.apple.com ?
Since this is only useful to users of Sys7.1, who already PAID for it, I don't
see why it shouldn't be placed on the archive. The Tidbits article mentions
'various on-line' services, but does not mention any specifically aside from
Mel Martinez
The Johns Hopkins University
Dept. of Physics
Date: Tue, 16 Feb 93 21:17:37 EST
From: Peter Furmonavicius <PETER@YaleVM.YCC.Yale.Edu>
Subject: ARA program and long phone number strings
Hi. In attempting to use an extremely long phone number string today with
AppleTalk Remote Access Program, I came across the limitation of 28
I needed to specify 36 characters (access number, phone number I'm calling,
and phone credit card number). I believe that with a special script for the
ARA program, the 28 character limit can be increased. This is for use on a
PowerBook and an internal Global Village PowerPort modem. Has anyone else
had this problem, and more importantly, has anyone written a script to
circumvent this problem. Or does anyone else have any ideas? Thanks.
Date: Wed, 17 Feb 93 22:04:04 ITA
From: maurizio lana <LANA%ITOCSIVM.CSI.IT@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: best book(s) for Hypercard/Hypertalk programmer (Q)
A friend of mine has to write for his degree an Hypercard application:
a shell that interfaces a database application that will be running onto
Macs hooked to an Appletalk LAN.
He has always programmed under Dos (...) (!) (?). Anyway...
Which could be the best book(s) for his job? He doesn't need any strict
reference manual, as a local Apple dealer already gave him a complete
Hypercard 2.1 package (with all the Claris manuals).
Thank you.
Perhaps, could you write directly to me, or CC: to me the messages?
CISI - Universita' di Torino - V. S. Ottavio 20 - 10124 Torino Italy
Date: Wed, 17 Feb 93 15:35:44 EST
From: stevep@snowhite.cis.uoguelph.ca (Steve Portigal)
Subject: Borland in Canada
If you're trying to reach Borland, you may wish to try Borland Canada
order desk, at 1 800 461 3327. Good for those of us who order from
Steve, who found that the Borland US people couldn't put my address in
their computer!
| Steve Portigal University of Guelph Guelph, Ontario, Canada |
| stevep@snowhite.cis.uoguelph.ca Phone: 519 824-4120 ext 3580 |
Date: Wed, 17 Feb 1993 13:21:57 +0900 (KST)
From: jhkim%salmosa.kaist.ac.kr@daiduk.kaist.ac.kr (Jeong-hyun Kim)
Subject: Bug in finder (not)
Chris Eliot writes:
>However, if you double click quickly on the scroll bar and keep clicking as
>you move the mouse onto the desktop the window is not deselected. You
>can now click on the desktop or select a rectangle on the desktop and leave
>the folder window in its "selected" state. Harmless, but odd.
It's not that odd. A folder window is inactivated when something is already
hilighted *and* you click on somewhere else. You can reactivate the window
without changing your selection by clicking on the scroll bars or the info
bar, not on the title bar.
Date: Wed, 17 Feb 93 17:01:06 MET
From: Josep M. Font <font@cerber.ub.es>
Subject: Bug in finder (small) (C)
I have seen two comments on recent Digests on the laziness of the Finder in
updating windows. This is exactly what happens when you are viewing windows
listed by date, and quit an application after having modified several files.
What you are shown is a non-updated listing of your window, with the just
modified files showing old dates. You need to close and re-open the window
to see the real dates and find (does 'Finder' really come from 'find' ?) your
most recently modified files where you expect them, i.e., at the top of the
list. I am right, am I ?
Josep M. Font
Date: Wed, 17 Feb 93 14:12:33 PST
From: Nelson Byrne <nbyrne@>
Subject: Cabling for 8*24GC+Sampo 20"
My son bought a IIci from his university bookstore. They outfitted it with an
8*24GC video card and a 20" Sampo grayscale monitor, but no cable. We've found
a shop
that will manufacture a cable but they want to know the "pinouts" whatever
they are.
There's no info with the card or the monitor, the bookstore hasn't a clue. Can
kind soul point me towards a source of information as to what the pins are out
this setup?? Please reply via email to one of the addresses below to avoid net
Thank you
Nelson Byrne
Nelson Byrne
Date: Wed, 17 Feb 93 11:27:29 WET
From: ercn81@castle.edinburgh.ac.uk
Subject: Centris 610 & 68040 FPU - Forget it!
The 8MB model is apparently achieved by soldering 8 MB to the board -
the facility is there but is a factory-only option (well, I wouldn't do
it !)
Helen Sargan
Edinburgh University
Date: 17 Feb 1993 17:24:00 -0600 (CST)
From: David Beach <BEACH@sask.usask.ca>
Subject: Centris 610 and FPU Upgrade
There is lots of chatter about upgrading the Centris 610 to a "regular"
'040 with FPU. Has anyone actually seen under the lid of a 610? I read
somewhere that the 610 has a surface mount '040 chip. Unfortunately, I
have not seen a 610 myself so don't know if this is true. If if is, it
would certainly make the option of "chip swapping" not an easy
So, who has seen the Centris 610 motherboard and what sort of mounting is
used for the CPU?
Date: 16 Feb 1993 09:26:18 -0600 (CST)
From: "Dwight Lemke @ Wisconsin Oshkosh" <LEMKE@vaxa.cis.uwosh.edu>
Subject: Color printer sharing
I think I came across a solution to Al's question about how to share
a color printer between a PC and Mac. My original suggestion was to
get an HP Deskwriter 550C and GDT's printworks and connect the two
computers to a black box. Well, Al's boss wanted automatic switching.
Today in an offbrand catalog I came across an automatic PC switch called
SmartPrint from Dresselhaus. For two computers to a printer it costs
$98.00. The catalog is from Global Software and Hardware. The number
is: 800 845-6225.
Date: Wed, 17 Feb 93 09:22:51 HKT
From: bc_wwl@stu.ust.hk (Rickie Leung Wai Wah)
Subject: Comments needed for LC III (Q)
Good Morning evry MacUsers,
I would like to have comments from
people using LC III, how fast it is, how
worse it is .... etc. Since I want to
upgrade my LC II into LCIII, your suggestions
can really help me about that.
Date: Wed, 17 Feb 93 17:10:30 +0100
From: "Dr. Christoph van Wuellen"
Subject: DeskWriter Problems (RE)
As to DeskWriter problems:
Select "Preview" first, and then select "Print" while pressing the
option key. This will print all pages.
With my DW driver 3.1, doing it the 'direct' way, results in jaggy
characters, I do not know why.
Date: Wed, 17 Feb 1993 13:16:46 -0500
From: abrams@mitre.org
Subject: Document formatting query
We would like to produce documents formatted on the Mac using various
applications such as Word and Excell as ASCII files that can be
printed anywhere without loss of column format. Full page images with
headers, footers, and page numbers are required. The output should
not use tabs, since no assumption can be made about the tab settings.
Spaces should be used for columns. A monowidth font is also required
and assumed.
We are part of international standards activities and need to exchange
document by e-mail throughout the internet. We could produce
docuemnts that could be sent by e-mail prior to conversion to the Mac.
We'd like to regain that capability.
The Export text with layout option in Word does not work. Microsoft
is aware of the problem, but appears not to care.
One conceptual solution is to print to a file, with the printer being
defined as something really dumb, such as a KSR33 or a Spinwriter.
(Dumb and ancient!) But this is only a conceptual solution. I don't
know if it is possible. Suggestions would be very much appreciated.
While it would be nice to have underlining using backspaces or return
without line feed, that would be more than we could reasonably
hope for.
Marshall D. Abrams e-mail abrams@mitre.org
Date: 17 Feb 93 18:23:12 GMT
From: dmeyers@mal-s2.gatech.edu (Dave Meyers)
Subject: DW Drivers and Memory
In digest <9302161853.AA04693@SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU>
Info-Mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu writes:
>before printing, both were adequate. Chose DW driver 3.1 and
>sent the print. The 'spooling' message came up, the computer ground
Try turning off the background printing. v3.1 allows background
printing, which runs an additional application -- the HP Backgrounder.
Not using background printing will probably save some memory.
>This experiment was perfectly repeatable--I went through it three or
>four times. Every time I tried to print the document with 3.1 it
>crashed with the memory error, and every time I used 2.0 there were
>no problems. BTW, 2.0 does not display a 'spooling' message. I'd
Of course 2.0 (and 2.1 and 2.2) don't display the spooling message.
The version 2 drivers do NOT have background printing capabilities,
no HP Backgrounder, and no spooling. (Spooling is the process
whereby the image of the printed document is saved to disk, which
will then be sent down to the printer as a background process, by
the HP Backgrounder program).
>figured that it was, in fact, going through the same process as
>3.1 but simply not putting the info box up on the screen to tell you
>so. Now I wonder if it isn't somehow handling printing in a different
>manner. (It prints a lot faster, too.)
Again, of course it prints faster. When you turn off background
printing, all foreground processes stop and the printer and the
process of sending the image down to the printer take priority.
Turn of background printing in v3.1 and you will print at the
same speed as you got in v2.
(Please correct me if I'm wrong. I installed v3.1 as soon as
it was available. I'd hate to go back to v2, even though I
don't use background printing.)
-- -- -- David S. Meyers (dmeyers@math.gatech.edu) -- -- --
When encryption is outlawed, only outlaws will &*kh*&n*&b&mk
Date: Wed, 17 Feb 1993 9:26:55 PST
From: The Moderators <info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu>
Subject: Enablers new releases
Here's some information from AppleLink, where these things are available.
System Enablers - Read Me First 10-Feb-93
Macintosh System Enabler Used Current Version Note
Macintosh Centris 610 System Enabler 040 1.0
Macintosh Centris 650 System Enabler 040 1.0
Macintosh Color Classic System Enabler 401 1.0.4
Macintosh IIvx System Enabler 001 1.0.1
Macintosh LC III System Enabler 003 1.0
Macintosh PowerBook 160 System Enabler 111 1.0.2 A
Macintosh PowerBook 165c System Enabler 121 1.0
Macintosh PowerBook 180 System Enabler 111 1.0.2 A
Macintosh PowerBook Duo 210 System Enabler 201 1.0.1
Macintosh PowerBook Duo 230 System Enabler 201 1.0.1
Macintosh Quadra 800 System Enabler 040 1.0
A - Included with Express Modem Disk 1.0.1.
System Enabler 001
1.0 - First release.
1.0.1 - Improved support for high speed serial communications and improved
accuracy of the system clock. Also addressed a rare problem where
floppies may not be ejected properly at shutdown.
System Enabler 003
1.0 - First release.
System Enabler 040
1.0 - First release.
System Enabler 111
1.0 - First release.
1.0.1 - Manufacturing release only.
1.0.2 - Express Modem support.
System Enabler 121
1.0 - First release.
System Enabler 201
1.0 - First release.
1.0.1 - Addressed a rare problem where a PowerBook Duo may not come out of
sleep properly when attached to a Duo MiniDock.
System Enabler 401
1.0.4 - First release.
Software Sampler
Apple SW Updates
Supplemental System Software
System Enablers
Date: Tue, 16 Feb 1993 10:06 GMT
From: Jim Schenk <JIMS%SERVAX.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: Ethernet Phase 1 vs Phase 2
From: SERVAX::JIMS "Jim Schenk" 12-FEB-1993 11:07
To: @info-mac
Subj: AppleTalk phase 1 or 2
Does anyone know of a program (either shareware or commercial) that
can differentiate between AppleTalk Phase 1 and Phase 2 packets?
I understand that Farallon makes a product called NetAtlas that can
do this, but its kinda expensive for our limited budget.
Date: Tuesday, 16 Feb 1993 11:26:41 EST
From: "Jeffrey N. Fritz" <JFRITZ%WVNVM.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: External Case for a Quantum Q250 Drive
Ralph Carpenter passed along the information that he had purchased
a Sun Remarketing BYOD (Build Your Own Drive) case and power supply
to convert an internal to an external drive. I have a Quantum Q250
that was removed from a Mac II (with very few running hours), so I
am interested in doing the same thing.
I called Sun Remarketing. Unfortunately, the BYOD does not accept
a full height 5 1/4" drive (which is what the Q250 is). Has anyone
purchased an external power supply and full height 5 1/4" case?
How much was it and where did you buy it?
Jeffrey Fritz, jfritz@wvnvm.wvnet.edu
West Virginia University
Date: Wed, 17 Feb 1993 17:10:01 CST
From: Linda McIntyre <mcintyre@vaxa.weeg.uiowa.edu>
Subject: FIleMaker Pro (Q)
I'm having a problem using FileMaker Pro, HyperCard, and videodisc players,
was wondering if anyone had any ideas.
Briefly, I have a large (4100+ records) FileMaker Pro database for one of
my clients which contains information about pictures on a videodisc. He wants
to be able to see the pictures (on an external monitor) at the same time as
viewing the info in the database on the computer screen. Using an XFCN from
Voyager in a "dummy" HyperCard stack, I send an Apple Event to Hypercard from
FileMaker Pro to play the video disc with the appropriate framenumber (the
framenumber is supplied by a field in the FileMaker Pro database for each
record). (I should note that there is no way to access the XFCN directly from
FileMaker Pro). According to FileMaker Pro, HyperCard should be able to
the Apple Event script while it (HyperCard) remains in the background;
unless I allow HyperCard to briefly come to the foreground, the videodisc
does not play. The brief flash of Hypercard each time you change records is
distinctly unappealing. GIven that the FileMaker Pro techs (several) keep
insisting it should not be happening this way, I can only assume that the
problem lies with the videodisc XFCN, which I am trying to contact Voyager
However, I am wondering if I am missing something simple about Apple Events,
if there is another XFCN for videodisc players that is available (all the
videodisc work I have done with HyperCard in the past has been with the
one). Since the client also wants all the find, sorting, etc. capabilities
inherent in FileMaker Pro, I am hesitant to use HyperCard as the front-end,
since with all the Apple Event data exchanges that will require, that would be
extremely time-consuming, and slow down the search and retrieval process a
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Please reply directly to me, as I do
regularly read Info-Mac.
Linda McIntyre
Date: Tue, 16 Feb 1993 15:28:30 -0800
From: Mike_Dustan@sfu.ca
Subject: Flags - in CorelDRAW's clip art (A)
Philip Ryan asks about rumours of CorelDraw for the Mac...
I've heard these rumours too. No hard date has been mentioned, but summer
'93 seems to be a popular estimate.
Meanwhile, I've been able to have a look at the DOS Corel CD-ROM - it is
indeed a vast collection, compiled from several clip-art sources. There's a
printed catalog arranged by category. It's shipped with every copy of
CorelDraw, and it's portable to the Mac via a fairly conventional route if
you have Illustrator or FreeHand, i.e. no black magic or ResEditing. Fire
up Corel on your PC (gak), open the image you want and export it as Adobe
Illustrator 1.1. Set text to export as text, not curves (if you're
following along you'll know what this means). Get the file to your Mac
(floppy and Apple File Exchange with default translation work for me); open
it with Illustrator or FreeHand and you're set.
Mike Dustan, Computing Services, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC Canada
Date: Tue, 16 Feb 93 09:35 CST
From: <MPARK%UTMEM1.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: Fraktur [A]
>Fraktur, I mean. I'm looking for a good TrueType or Postscript
>font for the old German Fraktur...
I'm looking at the poster-sized printout of their Postscript type
library that Adobe makes. I see three Black Type Fonts.
Fette Fraktur (Nr. 90) seems to be what you want.
Goudy Text (Nr. 242) also includes the Lombardic Caps.
Wilhem Klingspor Gotisch (Nr. 149) Very nice. From the Klingspor
foundry in Offenbach.
-Mel Park <mpark@utmem1.utmem.edu>
Univ. Tennessee, Memphis
Date: Wed, 17 Feb 1993 17:04:53 +0000 (GMT)
From: Ian C McCall <csc345@central1.lancaster.ac.uk>
Subject: Giving a document its icon (Q)
I'm writing an application that has two document types - one with type
'MSNL' and one 'TEXT'. I've drawn two icons for them, and created three
FREFS. The first has type 'APPL' with local ID zero, the second 'MSNL'
with local ID 1 and the third 'TEXT' with local ID 2. I've then linked
all these together in a bundle resource, which looks right at the end of
The problem is - it doesn't seem to look right to the Finder, because
although double-clicking a document launches my application, it doesn't
give the file its icon - even if I rebuild the desktop.
Can any programmers out there tell me what I'm doing wrong?
By the way, I'd like to thank all those people who helped with my recent
list manager problem. I got some very fast responses, and as a result
was able to write my code the evening after asking the question. Very
helpful indeed.
Date: Wed, 17 Feb 1993 06:31:05 +0000
From: ptp1@cornell.edu (Patrick T. Pruyne)
Subject: Gophering via UNIX 2 Mac (Q)
I need very basic (ie detailed) help setting up gopher service on a
SUN/UNIX host providing Internet access. Please e-mail directly and I will
post the recipe for my success later.
Much obliged,
Pat Pruyne
Date: Tue, 16 Feb 93 10:41:23 EST
From: "Charles A. Patrick" <PATCHAS@VM.NRC.CA>
Subject: HD *inside* a Plus?
Has anyone had occasion to install a HD inside a Plus? Will it still leave
for an accelerator? Any answers and thoughts will be gratefully received.
Date: Tue, 16 Feb 1993 17:08:41 +0100
From: "Karl-Heinz Kampert, Wilhelm-Klemm-Str.9, D-4400 Muenster, Tel:
+251-834993, (Kampert@VsIKP0.Uni-Muenster.De)"
Subject: HP-Deskjet 500 driver for Mac? [Q]
Hi Netters:
I got access to a HP Deskjet-500 printer, but don't have
a printer driver to use it on my Mac.
Does anybody out there know about the existence and availibility
of such a driver. I remember, there were some postings about this
topic some time ago, but unfortunately I didn't care about at that
Any help is very much appreciated,
(Email: Kampert@Vsikp0.Uni-Muenster.de)
Date: Wed, 17 Feb 93 16:33:18 NZD
From: N.Perry@massey.ac.nz
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V11 #36
info-mac-request@SUMEX-AIM.STANFORD.EDU (The Moderators):
> Does anyone have a solution to the following?? I want to show 8-bit Pict
> resources and files that have their own CLUT using the HyperCard QTPict
> XCMD. So far, I have been stuck using the System CLUT. Does anyone have an
> answer? I'd greatly appreciate any help in this matter.
The Pictoid Package (avail. umich, two files, second is updater) supports
the use of palettes when displaying PICTs & Movies.
Hope this helps,
Nigel (author of Pictoids, so I'm baised :-))
Date: 17 Feb 1993 11:04:37 -0700 (MST)
Subject: KIWI
I juest ordered a PowerBook 160 from KIWI last Thrusday. I haven't actually
seen it yet, but it did arrive at my parent's house on Tuesday. I'm at least
impressed with the shipping time, as I only paid for ground mail, which was
supposed to take a week or so. I'm in Colorado, though, so I'm not too far
>From Cali.
I also got a pretty good price.
I don't see any reason not to order from them.
Randy Grow
Date: Wed, 17 Feb 93 12:17:20 CST
From: "Bruce Bromberek" <brombere@imafs.ima.umn.edu>
Subject: MacDraw II wont write
I keep getting an interesting problem that I can't figure out.
So I turn to the all knowing net for advice. The problem is:
When I load a MacDraw document form a shared drive and make chnages,
the program will not let me save back to the original location
What I get instead is Disk Error ID -50. Even If I change the file
name I get the same error message. Any ideas?
System notes:
LC (system 7.01 tuned)
shared drive is on a Mac II (system 7.01 tuned)
Computers are connect by Ethernet, and the LC is loged into the MacII
as the owner. (The computers sit side by side, and we use the larger
second disk drive on the Mac II for file storage)
Thanks in advance
Bruce Bromberek, University of Minnesota, Dept. of Chem Eng & Mat Sci
Date: Tue, 16 Feb 93 15:04:03 CST
From: bbaskett@tadpole.com (Billy Baskett)
Subject: MAC Printing
Is there some way to print to laserprinters on our network from MACs? I've
looked at the MACPS stuff and it looks like you have to upload the file to the
UNIX system.
What I have is MACs on appletalk with a kinetics fastpath to our ethernet. On
the ethernet we have a number of SPARCstations and laserprinters. I want the
MAC users to be apple to utilize the laserprinters with a minimal amount of
Thanks for your help and info.
Billy Baskett bbaskett@tadpole.com
Date: Tue, 16 Feb 1993 09:22:47 -0600 (CST)
From: "Anthony F. Gaudiano II" <anthonyg@tenet.edu>
Subject: MacWorld Awards Survey & FullWrite
I too have used FullWrite Professional and think that currently there
is no equal to it out on the market today. It offers ease of use, a very
good outliner and sound as part of the document. However, Borland owning
all rights to the product has prevented it from offering any other
improvements to the word processor market. Currently, I use MacWrite II
in conjunction with FullWrite. And I only use MacWrite II because it is a
product that is still being supported. I long for the day when FullWrite
will finally be set free to be improved and developed.
I am sure that all of you Word 5.x lovers can sympathise. Where would
that product be today if Borland owned it before 5.x?
Anthony F. Gaudiano II
SFASU Apple Student Rep.
Applelink: ST0503
Tenet: anthonyg@formby.tenet.edu
Date: Wed, 17 Feb 93 14:41:29 gmt
From: Mark Elliott <M.C.Elliott@lut.ac.uk>
Subject: memory problem
help !!!!!!!
every so often my mac classic (system 7.0.1 tuned) tells me that there is
not enough memory to do what i am trying to do
when i try to select 'about this macintosh' there is not enough memory
to tell me how much memory it is using
since i have 4 meg, and this usually happens when i have no applications
open, there must be some memory handling problem!
i have tried most of the shareware system extensions at one time or another
so could one of these have changed something in my system file
i am currently using gatekeeper + aid , behierarchic ( i have heard a few
warnings about this) and speedy finder 7 (cheque in post !), oh and i've
just installed apollo, but i think that the problem was ocurring before
i got this
can anyone suggest a possible cause (inc. any software which i may have used
which could cause such a problem - i have no real way of finding out
if it is an init problem as i can't make the problem show up in a predictable
reply direct please
thank you
Mark Elliott
Date: Wed, 17 Feb 1993 18:25:31 +0100
From: Elliot Bennett <Elliot.Bennett@europa.rs.kp.dlr.de>
Subject: Modems [C]
I just thought I should mention that I recently read a VERY thorough report in
the German magazine CT (December) where they reviewed about 15 different
modems including Supra and ZyXEL.
Well, it turns out that the ZyXEL U-1496-E blew virtually ALL the other modems
out of the water (the only others which came even remotely close were the
WorldBlazer [at twice the price of the ZyXEL] and Fury [with half the maximum
data rate]): the BIG difference was the transmission quality and overall
functionality of the ZyXEL. And the article didn't even review the U-1496-E+
which has even better hardware. Anyway, it seems to me that if you're going
to buy a modem- ZyXEL is it (at least if you go by the specs in this
For all you Supra fans, the differences between the Supra and the ZyXEL were:
4 vs. 12 LEDs, 3 vs. 8 speaker volume levels, 2 vs. 4 configuration profiles,
4 vs. 10 auto-dial memories, and 57.6Kb vs 76.8 Kb Max data rate.
In addition, only the ZyXEL has: V.25bis, a call-back feature, password
protection, and is remotely configurable. On top of that, CT had a line
simulator to (what else?) simulate phone lines- but not just local phone
also long distance and international. The results were that ONLY the ZyXEL
and the WorldBlazer got a ++ in transmission quality while the Supra had a - (
where the scale was --,-,o,+,++ -where o=average).
Of course, I don't have a modem at all (yet), so perhaps I should speak once
we've bought our 3 ZyXELs and connected them to our planned ARA server (I'll
send out another note then).
I didn't really mean to come down so hard on the Supra- it's just that
everyone's been raving about it and I thought some hard facts were
I am, of course, open to other opinions...
Elliot Bennett
Date: Wed, 17 Feb 93 11:31:00 WET
From: ercn81@castle.edinburgh.ac.uk
Subject: NCSA/BYU TelNet2.5 users - info needed
In comp.sys.mac.digest you write:
>Greetings from the high plains...
>I'm looking for other users of TelNet2.5 over ethernet to VAX mainframes.
>I have been using it for a month or so, and am hoping to hook up with other
>users to discuss benefits/pitfalls, for example-resizing the terminal window
>with bizarre results. Anyone out there who wants to share some tips or
>experience, please reply directly, and I will summarize to info-mac.
I'm trying to write guidelines on using it for our novice users
(speaking as a non-VMS person myself) and I'm finding it infuriating.
Got to the stage that it appears to work but files not transferring.
Busy this week but may be back to it next week. Would you remind me to
give you an update ?
Edinburgh University
Date: Wed, 17 Feb 1993 07:13 PDT
From: "RGB Technology, Inc/703-834-1500" <SATRE@cisco.nosc.mil>
Subject: ncsa telnet 2.5 documentation (Q)
I just downloaded NCSA telnet 2.5 from /INFO-MAC/COMM and the readme
file includes the following:
> If you do not already have the Telnet 2.5 documentation,
> please get it from anonymous ftp from: ftp.ncsa.uiuc.edu
I have ftp'd over to ncsa.uiuc.edu and was unable to login
as anonymous:
NCSA.UIUC.EDU>login anonymous
<User anonymous unknown.
Does anyone have any suggestions for getting the 2.5 documentation?
-Steve Satre
Reston, VA
Date: Sun, 14 Feb 1993 06:44:55 EST
From: Carsten_A._Klapp@magic-bbs.corp.apple.com
Subject: NewLook 1.3
>Date: Sun, 7 Feb 1993 13:11:49 -0500
>From: tonyh@lynx.msc.cornell.edu (Tony Huang)
>Subject: [*] NewLook 1.3
>This is the lastest version of NewLook - a control panel that gives a 3D
>look to buttons, check boxes, etc. It doesn't have as many features as
>Greg's Button, but it's much more stable.
>Downloaded from AOL and should replace the old version in the archive.
>Tony Huang
Tony seems to be implying that MORE FEATURES=MORE CRASHES. Statistically,
programs do have more Lcrash potentialH than smaller programs do because
more code there is more chance a programmer might overlook a mistake.
The most impressive aspect of GregUs Buttons is that once installed, all
take effect immediately _without_ the need to restart. This shows me that
has taken the time to make his code efficient and Lmemory-friendlyH,
that System 7 programmers need to take advantage of more often. Greg also
ensures that there are no bugs in his shareware control panel by sending
pre-release software to beta-testers before releasing anything to the
I believe Greg has greatly succeeded in his intent to provide users with
esthetically pleasing buttons consistent with the look and feel of System 7
windows and scroll bars, as the designers of System 7 should have.
GregUs Buttons 2.4 feature list:
System 7 Style color buttons, with 2 variations of radio buttons & check
Colorizing Finder mini-icons in the icl8, ics8, icm8 style according to
Tech Note #306 (Technically, Finder 7 incorrectly uses SICNs instead of
which are a part of the color icon family.)
Allows changes to Finder window color
Choose from 3 alternate menu fonts
Carsten Klapp
My Internet address is Carsten_Klapp@MAGIC-BBS.Corp.Apple.Com
You can reach Greg Landweber at GDL1000@CUS.CAM.AC.UK
GregUs Buttons 2.4 enclosed in following message.
Date: 17 Feb 1993 08:33:06 -0500 (EST)
From: Jim Griffin <jim@griffin.ics.iupui.edu>
Subject: None
I read your message in the info-mac digest concerning your difficulties with
MacTCP. I think I see two problems with the way you are configuring your
when you said
> 7 - Get fresh copy of MacTCP 1.1 and drop on System Folder.
I think you are using the wrong version of MacTCP for a Quadra. You should
obtain a copy of MacTCP 1.1.1 from APDA. This version is the one that works
with Quadras. Note that MacTCP 1.1.1 cannot be FTPd from anywhere. Apple is
now selling it via APDA. I think APDA's e-mail address is
The second item I noticed is that since you want to see the LocalTalk ICON in
the MacTCP dialog window, you must use the NETWORK control panel item to set
LocalTalk on as the network where the printers, servers and other network
devices are located.
MacTCP is programmed to allow you to use either the default network hardware,
in your case you want this to be the LocalTalk hardware, or the ethernet
hardware, for TCP operations. If the EtherTalk ICON is what is displayed in
MacTCP dialog, this indicates that in the Network Control Panel, EtherTalk was
choosen as the network where the servers, printers, etc are located.
Jim Griffin
Integrated Technologies
Indiana University - Purdue University at Indianapolis
Date: Wed, 17 Feb 93 12:19:19 PST
From: uckun@HPP.Stanford.EDU (Serdar Uckun)
Subject: PowerBook Express Modem out yet?
Has anyone seen the new PowerBook Express Modem yet? Now that they fixed
the system enablers to work with the new modems, one expected Apple to
finally start distributing the modem, but ... Perhaps I should get my
money back and buy a PowerPort Gold instead. I'm getting sick of this
vaporware business.
Serdar Uckun, Knowledge Systems Lab., Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA
Date: Wed, 17 Feb 1993 16:07:24 -0500
From: shirey@mitre.org (Robert W. Shirey)
Subject: Problems Producing RFCs
We need a way to produce a file containing an ascii image of the printed
form of a document that we generate using a word processor on a Macintosh
IIci under System 7. Possible solutions to this problem include a word
processor with a "convert output to ascii" feature (although we would
prefer to use Word 5) or a MAC print driver (for simple printers like
teletypes) that also saved to a file. Given the number of Macs that access
the Internet, not to mention the installed base of Word, isn't this a
solved problem?
We need to send finished, system-independent, page-image text of working
drafts to other people on the Internet. The SaveAs options in Word
5--Text, Text Only, and Text with Layout--are not (even partial) solutions
to this problem. Consider the following example, which shows the first two
pages of RFC 1421, with most of each page omitted for brevity:
Network Working Group J. Linn
Request for Comments: 1421 IAB IRTF PSRG, IETF PEM WG
Obsoletes: 1113 February 1993
Privacy Enhancement for Internet Electronic Mail:
Part I: Message Encryption and Authentication Procedures
Status of this Memo
This RFC specifies an IAB standards track protocol for the Internet
community, and requests discussion and suggestions for improvements.
This document is the outgrowth of a series of meetings of the Privacy
and Security Research Group (PSRG) of the IRTF and the PEM Working
Group of the IETF.
1. Executive Summary
This document defines message encryption and authentication
procedures, in order to provide privacy-enhanced mail (PEM) services
for electronic mail transfer in the Internet.
Linn [Page 1]
[Control-K Page Delimiter goes here]
RFC 1421 Privacy Enhancement for Electronic Mail February 1993
endpoints or at intermediate relay sites.
2. Terminology
For descriptive purposes, this RFC uses some terms defined in the OSI
X.400 Message Handling System Model per the CCITT Recommendations.
Linn [Page 2]
[The format being used in this sample is described in RFC 1111, "Request
for Comments on Request for Comments: Instructions to RFC Authors".]
We need the full power of a word processor (like Word or WordPerfect) to
use for formatting my document--indenting, generating headers and footers,
paginating and generating page numbers, etc. Then, we want to save the
finished output to a file to mail to someone else, who might want to either
read the document or cooperate with me in further editing on arbritary
unknown facilities.
Of course, the document would need to be dumbed down. Italic, bold, and
underline attributes would have to be absent or removed. A fixed-width
font would be implied, and a fixed line length might be mandated (which
would be OK as long as the line could be at least 72 characters).
We do *not* want to send a binhexed Word file--or any other form of the
Word file, or any special transfer format--because my friends probably
can't be assumed to be using those things where they are.
We do *not* want to send them a PostScript file. Even if they just want to
print the paper, they might not have PostScript. They also might want to
search the text.
We just want to send just a plain ASCII file, with a carriage return and
line feed on each (72-character or shorter) line.
None of Word's SaveAs options do the job. They either crunch horizontal
space (like for tabs, centering, and ruler-controlled indents), crunch
vertical spaces, or change the line length.
Even if, for example, Word's Text with Layout option would preserve 72
character lines, the saved file is still *not* a print image. It is not
paginated: it does *not* include page numbers and other header and footer
information. (I would prfer page delimiters inserted, or would like each
page to be 66 lines including blanks.)
Date: Tue, 16 Feb 93 19:43:16 EST
From: "Dan Morgenroth <H48HC%CUNYVM.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>"
Subject: Problem with MS Word Documents
As of a little while ago, my computer refuses to recognize Microsoft Word
as actual MS Word files, but instead lists them as documents. All old MS Word
files are listed as "document." New ones I create are treated the same. Even
files on a floppy that can't have been affected if anything happened to my
disk or computer are listed the same. If I try to directly summon the
by double-clicking on it, I get a missing application message, which is no big
surprise. I have checked the file format options in the save dialog box--it
still says "Normal."
If anybody has any ideas about what could be going wrong please email me
at h48hc@cunyvm.cuny.edu.
Dan Morgenroth
Date: Wed, 17 Feb 1993 17:21:52 +0900 (KST)
From: jhkim%salmosa.kaist.ac.kr@daiduk.kaist.ac.kr (Jeong-hyun Kim)
Subject: ResEdit 2.1.1 bug?
Pressing <delete> seems to erase the resources *immediately* and
*permanently* from the file.
Even 'Undo' or 'Revert File' doesn't work!
Am I the only one?
Jeong-hyun Kim, KAIST, Korea
Date: Tue, 16 Feb 1993 10:07 GMT
From: Jim Schenk <JIMS%SERVAX.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: Restoring a default configuration
From: SERVAX::JIMS "Jim Schenk" 11-FEB-1993 13:17
To: @info-mac
Subj: Restoring a default configuration
We are setting up a Macintosh training lab for faculty and staff to get
training on Mac applications such as WordPerfect and Excel,
as well as an intro to Macintosh class and a network class. We need a way
to automatically restore all the settings (color, preferences, window
placement, etc) each time the Macs are started, so that the instructor
can start with the same configuration each time she starts a new class.
We also need to automatically delete any data files that were created
by the previous class (these may reside on a networked drive or on the
hard drive). All the Macs will be on a Pathworks network.
For our PC training lab, we were able to accomplish this by writing a
batch file (called from autoexec.bat) which deletes all files in certain
subdirectories, and restoring the original files from a hidden, read-only
subdirectory. Is there any similar solution for the Mac? Can we create
hidden folders? Would something like QuickKeys be able to handle our needs?
Any help would be appreciated.
----- End forwarded message
Date: 18 Feb 93 0:33 +0100
From: Ulf Dittmer <dittmer@imdm.uke.uni-hamburg.dbp.de>
Subject: scrapbook / notepad combo wanted
Hi fellow netters !
The subject says it nearly all: I'm searching for a combination
of the notepad and the scrapbook, be it a DA or aa application.
I need : multiple named categories, possibilty to store text and
picture, possibility to EDIT the stored text. Among the things
I tried are Scrapz (which lacks editing of text) and notepad II
(which lacks storing of pictures); both are excellent for what
they do (and they're on sumex) but unfortunately I need a bit more.
Has anyone an idea if there exists such a thing ? Any suggestions
are welcome. If there is interest I will summarize for the net.
Many thanks in advance. Greetings Ulf Dittmer
Date: Wed, 17 Feb 1993 00:26:56 PST
From: Kee Nethery <nethery@parc.xerox.com>
Subject: SCSI T-style cable source (Q)
Saw an advert for a SCSI cable that was a T style connection system similar
to thin ethernet. Anyone had any experience with these? My EE perceptions
lead me to believe that not daisy-chaining the SCSI signal through the flat
non-twisted ribbon cable inside my external drive is probably a good thing.
Anyone know where I can get one of these (I don't remember where I saw the
Date: Wed, 17 FEB 93 10:41:21 GMT
Subject: Simple 68K assembler?
I am looking for a fairly simple (and cheap) 68000-family assembler
for the Macintosh, to be used for teaching purposes. I'd be very
grateful for information and advice; if there's enough of it I am
happy to post a summary.
Eric Eisenhandler, Physics Dept., Queen Mary & Westfield College,
University of London. EFE@V1.PH.QMW.AC.UK
Date: 16 Feb 93 15:54:00 EST
From: "GINBOX::"Doug_Wilson-2141_EMail""
Subject: SuperClock (Q)
Date: Tue, Feb 16, 1993 @ 3:47:59 PM
Re: SuperClock (Q)
Superclock (v 4.0.2) still clobbers the Timbuktu menu icon on my Quadra 700.
I've tried reversing the INIT installation order, but that doesn't seem to
help. Anyone else having the same problem?
Date: Wed, 17 Feb 93 10:23:35 GMT
From: Michael Everson <EVERSON%IRLEARN.UCD.IE@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: VXs from hell
_Two_ of our IIvx's have decided not to boot up anymore. Naturally,
I thought, dang, let's just reinstall the system software.
The little beasts booted off the Install Me First disk. I clicked
"Install". Bang! Can't install for unknown reasons.
Is, uh, this common? Do I reinitialize the hard disk or is there
something I should know about IIvx's. (I told them not to buy them.)
Michael Everson
School of Architecture, UCD, Richview, Clonskeagh, Dublin 14, E/ire
Phone: +353 1 706-2745 Fax: +353 1 283-7778 Home: +353 1 78-25-97
Date: Wed, 17 Feb 93 13:53:54 MST
From: pothiers@aries.saic.com (Steve Pothier)
Subject: WANTED: Wind sound
I have a wind-alarm installed on my machine. Would like it to emit
the sound of the wind when it activiates. Anyone have anything that
sounds like wind (preferably at several intensities)?
The time a man spends sailing is not deducted from his lifespan.
Steve Pothier
Date: Wed, 17 Feb 93 10:10:49 GMT
From: dfuller@estwm0.DNET.ESTEC.ESA.NL
Subject: Where is "PowerLess"?
A few days ago I saw a blurb on a cp called (I think) PowerLess, that will
perform a RESTART at a user selectable time or elapsed time. I have looked
in the DEMOs section of several BBSs, but can't find it anywhere. So where
is it?
David Fuller (dfuller@estwm1.dnet.estec.esa.nl)
Date: Wed, 17 Feb 93 15:57:26 EST
From: tanju@geodesy.ho.att.com
Subject: World Scripts (Q)
How can I get the scripts for different countries/writing
systems in the U.S.? Is there an Apple number to call?
Also, when you install and select a script, are the system
fonts changed or the file names are still have to be compatible
with the base system (e.g. U.S.)?
-Tanju Cataltepe
Date: Tue, 16 Feb 93 07:51:32 -0800
From: Todd Albertson <ta@seattleu.edu>
Subject: xbase or filemaker pro recipe/cooking templates???
Does anybody know where there are commercial or shareware
recipe and/or cookbook templates available for filemaker pro
or xbase?
Please respond to me an I'll summarize.
Thanks - Todd
End of Info-Mac Digest